Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a while

Well, it's been over a month, so lots has happened.
Josiah's preferred mode of transportation is walking now. We have discovered just how unsafe our house is. I've been working frantically to get locks on all the cabinets (a little late, I know, but better late than never). He is such a good boy, though. Except for some occasional protests, he takes correction pretty well. He imitates "being bad" to the cats a lot. He looks and sounds just like us when the cats are bad (which is pretty often). He loves wearing his shoes and whenever he finds them or his socks, he tries to put them on himself. He laughs when we put them on him, too.
He rides so fast on his little truck. We had to extend his roaming territory because he has wanted to cruise down the hall and back. If we had carpet, he would have worn holes in it by now. He still uses his car and his beach chair as modes of transportation as well.
He's been able to open doors for a while. The pantry is fair territory in his mind. He continues to "reorganize" daily, sometimes several times a day. I keep trying to get things higher out of his reach. I am running out of room.
I caved in to letting him watch a movie: Happy Feet. Oh my gosh, he LOVES Happy Feet. He has even learned to communicate with us when he wants to see it (which is at least a couple times a day). I have to distract him with going for a walk or some other adventure in order to remind him that there is life outside of Happy Feet. Today while I was doing dishes, he kept repeating a group of words and pointing. I stopped working to play with him, but then he took my hand, led me to the TV room, pointed to the DVD player, and plopped down in front of the TV! Smart kid. It was hilarious.
He is communicating like crazy. He can say all kinds of words, which are mostly repeating sounds that sound like our words, but hey! it works. He often gets his message across. We hear words like: down, all done, Ok, thank you, etc. Also, he has mastered "Ezzie" and proceeds to chase after the cats, whether it's Ezzie or Poqui. It's the cutest sound. He loves the kitties. He is learning to be gentle with and says "Awww" when he pets them. :o) They, however, are still petrified by him, but one day they are going to love being loved by him.
We have also given him free reign to his play area and opened the fence up. He's gaining so much independence around the house and knows pretty much what is safe or not, that he can handle it. The only thing is that I find more toys around the house now.
Teething...poor kid. For about a couple of weeks, he has been getting his upper #4's. They are close. He has been miserable with them, of course. He will suddenly break into a cry and shove his hand, or whatever he can find, into his hand. He cries in his sleep and is constantly rubbing his cheeks, nose and ears. He also has been quite snotty, which I understand to be another sympton of teething. It's tough to watch him hurting, but I know that it's part of parenting.
I'm sure I've forgotten something, but that's all for now.

Does he love his truck or what?

Taking a break from reorganizing the pantry (in a bowl!)

He loves Happy Feet!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Josiah got his first pair of walking shoes today. They really helped him with his balance. He also learned "nose, eye, mouth and ear" today. Yay! And yesterday he learned to ride his truck. He got both feet moving and flew down the hall!

Melana begins blogging

I really wanted an ongoing documentation of our lives, especially on Josiah's growth and experiences. It's going to be a steep learning curve. We'll see how it goes.